Beautiful view of Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain just after sunset.
It's been almost two years since I started this blog. It was a wonderful excuse to help me get out and become familiar in my new surroundings. In the meantime I've returned to teaching full-time and just can't seem to keep up with my photography. So, at least for now, I'm putting this blog to rest. Thanks for all your visits and nice comments.
Time For a Break
Sitting at Rembrandt's Coffee Shop in the Bluff View Art District is a nice way to slow down and take a breather.
The Ocean Journey
The newer part of the Tennessee Aquarium is the Ocean Journey. It has the same design as the original aquarium building, which showcases freshwater life.
Probably the most recognizable structure on Chattanooga's skyline is the Tennessee Aquarium. Although I'm a fan of old architecture, I love the triangular rainforest on top of this building and the haphazard bridges and waterways surrounding it all.
More Construction
This is an update on the building I first shared here. You can see that this is going to be a quite modern building.
Going For a Swim
This game of stick ball has partially been moved underwater, due to the flooding. Compare it to this earlier post.
A Fast Current
Although it is hard to catch in a picture, the current is visible in these surface circles of the river.
Flood at Ross's Landing
This summer has been more hectic than I thought and I've had a hard time getting out to take Chattanooga photos. Recently we've had tons of rain (over 6 inches this weekend). I'm pre-posting some of the flood pictures this week while I'm out of town. I won't be able to post any comments for a few days since I'll have limited internet access.
Compare the top shot of Ross's Landing to this one taken last November to see how high the water has risen. The eddies in the top shot are the pillars that are normally lining the riverfront.
Compare the top shot of Ross's Landing to this one taken last November to see how high the water has risen. The eddies in the top shot are the pillars that are normally lining the riverfront.
Travel Tuesday
Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado. Cliff Palace was built by ancient Indians in this alcove. There are several sites in the park where you can view or tour these remains. The sites were inhabited until about 1300 and then abandoned. The people who lived here farmed the mesas above.
There are several plaques on the plaza surrounding the Tennessee Aquarium that show certain years. I am not sure of their significance, but if you do leave me a comment.
Travel Tuesday
It's been hard to keep up since I'm traveling right now. This was one of our stops. Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.
Blue Plate Special
The fence lining the steps down to Rembrandt's Roasting Company is decorated with multi-colored plates.
I think this sculpture depicts the story of Icarus, whose father made him some wax wings to escape Crete but then he flew too close to the sun and drowned.
There are several sculptures tucked away in the Bluff View art district. This one seems to be holding up the rain clouds.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
V is for Volkswagen
Volkswagen broke ground for a manufacturing plant in Chattanooga in 2008 and started production of the Passat in 2011 (with the 2012 model). Volkswagen's initial investment in Chattanooga was one billion dollars and that continues to grow with the success of the Passat.
Linking with
A Walk in the Woods
Linking with
U is for Under
On one of the last days of school, students enjoyed a field trip to the park to eat lunch and enjoy games of soccer, wiffle ball, and playing with this colorful parachute.
Linking with
Travel Tuesday
What'll ya have?
We went to Atlanta to pick up a few things and stopped for a hot dog at The Varsity.
We went to Atlanta to pick up a few things and stopped for a hot dog at The Varsity.
Wild Mushrooms
I recently found these mushrooms in the woods. I have no idea what they are called, but love the colors.
Linking with
June Theme Day: The Beauty of Decay
Today is the first of June (hard to believe!) and that means Theme Day in the City Daily Photo Community. To check out things decaying beautifully around world, click here.
In the Setting Sun
The Choo Choo sign glows high above the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel. After a very wet spring, we've had some nice sunny days in the last week. It is finally beginning to feel like summer.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Colorful Bracelets
These bracelets caught my eye up at Rock City. You can see the price tag on the orange one reads $12.95. I didn't buy one.
T is for The Terminal
The Terminal is my very favorite place to eat in Chattanooga. Everything on the menu is wonderful (make sure you get some sweet potato fries!). And they brew their own beer here as well. If you are just passing through town on the interstate, it is well worth the time to get off for a meal. You'll find it on Market Street, next door to the Choo Choo.
Linking up with ABC Wednesday.
Linking up with ABC Wednesday.
Travel Tuesday
With school out for the summer, I have plans to get out and do some traveling. So on Tuesdays I may stray away from Chattanooga. This shot is from one of my favorite hiking trails, Fiery Gizzard in Tracy City, TN. The weather was great over the long, holiday weekend for getting outdoors.
Watery Dome
I caught this reflection of the Dome Building in a small parking lot puddle.
Linking up with Weekend Reflections.
Linking up with Weekend Reflections.
Six Inches of Concrete
I did not venture out onto this thin platform to enjoy the view. Lover's Leap is in the background, which is the spot from which you can supposedly see seven states. The day I visited was quite hazy and so I imagine all I saw was Tennessee, Georgia, and possibly North Carolina.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
S is for Squeeze
This part of the trail through Rock City is actually called "Fat Man Squeeze". I'm happy to report that no one on our recent field trip was stuck going through.
After a long absence from ABC Wednesday, I'm trying to get back on track for the end of the alphabet. Check out more interpretations of S here.
After a long absence from ABC Wednesday, I'm trying to get back on track for the end of the alphabet. Check out more interpretations of S here.
A Tourist's View
The trail through Rock City is a mix of natural and man-made stone works. There are blooming rhododendrons scattered throughout.
Life on a Rock
The humid conditions are just perfect for growing moss and ferns on these rocks.
Linking with Macro Monday.
Linking with Macro Monday.
See Rock City
I googled it and found that over 900 barns in 19 states have been painted at one time or another with this advertising slogan. For those who want their own version, you can buy a birdhouse like this one.
Blue Skies Over Rock City
I visited Rock City for the first time this week. It was a beautiful day and a great trip with a group of elementary age children. I'll be sharing photos of our trip over the next several days. Hope you'll stick around to "See Rock City."
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
All the water features that were turned off for the winter are springing back to life. This one is at Miller Plaza, which features a free concert every Friday night during the summer months.
Before the Storm
The dogwood flowers seemed to glow in the darkening light of an approaching storm. I took this last weekend, and after the rain there weren't many flowers left.
Linking with Skywatch Friday. Check it out to see cool skies from around the world.
Linking with Skywatch Friday. Check it out to see cool skies from around the world.
On the Way to Regionals

This is the first time I've re-blogged someone else's photo. This is from my daughter's blog, which you can check out here. This weekend is the US Rowing Southeast Junior District Championships in Oak Ridge, TN. Top crews will qualify for the Nationals in June. Good luck to everyone, especially Chattanooga Junior Rowing!
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